
Imagine what your church would be like if its outreach to children in the community would double or triple.  What if you could also minister to the families of those children?

Jesus not only gave His message of hope and redemption in the temples but He went where the people were. In the crowds of people who came to hear Him there were many children. He set an example for us by blessing little children and affirming that “whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me” and “the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Churches can go where the children are – into public schools – and welcome them in the name of Jesus, bringing His life-changing message of love to them each week during the school year.

Kids’ Life Bible Clubs offers a complete 4-year curriculum package that a church team can use to reach out into their neighborhood school and present the Good News to children who might not have the opportunity to hear it in a church setting. Children are often excited to tell their family members what they have learned, extending the reach of the Gospel even further. Churches who sponsor a club have found that they can minister to these families who wouldn’t otherwise attend a church service by inviting them to informal events that involve the children and make them feel welcome.

If your church has a heart for un-churched children and wants to reach out to them in a unique, loving way, please contact us for additional information.

phone: 616-455-2490
email: [email protected]